Ever heard of Self-Compassion? I recently read the article “Self-Compassion as a Spiritual Practice” by James C. Wilhoit, published in Biola University’s Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. The author argues that the lies a person tells themselves are actually from the devil. He writes, “The harsh words spoken to ourselves are not just our words, they are the messages of the Accuser, who unlike our Heavenly Father, actively hates and despises us.” To fight against those lies, Wilhoit suggests following Dallas Willard’s idealized goal of spiritual formation, helping people “learn to love what is lovely.” Williard points out that God is what is lovely, as are his Words, given in the Scriptures. I agree with these principles completely and I think that learning to love what is lovely might be a summation of the good that can be gathered from Wilhoit’s article. This kind of mental focus is an important goal of the church. Paul impresses it in Col 3:1-2, “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” It is good for us to focus on and help people know God and his love for them revealed through Jesus.