In the weddings I have had the pleasure to attend, the moment of “glory” always occurs when a
radiant bride comes down the aisle. However, in John’s account of the wedding at Cana, we’re
told that true glory wasn’t revealed until the reception when the Lord transformed water into
wine. This must have been a glorious sight indeed!
Long before the wedding at Cana, in eternity past, the Son of God shared equally in the Holy
Trinity’s glory. But according to the Apostle Paul, when the Son stepped down from heaven and
took a human nature upon himself, he voluntarily emptied himself of divine glory (Phil. 2:5-7).
It’s impossible for the human mind to grasp how God’s Son was able to do so. This is a mystery
known only to God. What we can grasp is that due to this act of “self-emptying” the Son had to
rely on the power of the Holy Spirit for miracles he performed during his first coming to earth
(Mt. 12:32). Jesus had full authority to ask the Father and the Spirit to accomplish miraculous
works through himself, but he limited this to instances where he knew it was in the Father’s will.
Even though Jesus knew a variety of public miracles would be required during his earthly
ministry, he didn’t want these to detract from his primary mission of going the Cross to save
sinners. Thus, we sense a bit of reluctance in his initial response to Mary when he says, “My
hour has not come.” (Jn. 2:4)
John recorded details of that conversation between Mary, Jesus, and the servants. However,
John didn’t disclose the private dialogue that next took place in the spirit between Jesus, the
Father, and the Holy Spirit. We infer from what ensued that the Holy Trinity mutually affirmed
this as the initial miracle of Jesus’ ministry. Bible scholar Wilbur Pickering concludes that this
transformation of water into wine manifested the divine glory through a new “creative” work
much like the original work of creation when the Holy Trinity spoke the universe into existence.
The glory of the Son of God will one day be fully revealed to his “bride” (the church) at the
marriage supper of the Lamb. In the meantime, as God’s people, we too must rely upon the
power of the Holy Spirit for our works of service before God. Let us pray that, like the miraculous
transformation of water in the jugs at Cana, our own lives will be filled to the brim with the power
of the Holy Spirit. If so, our lives will also bring glory to our God and Savior.
Dave Korinek