Many fascinating things happen in John 13, yet one thing that stood out to me is the last thing Jesus said to Judas. Our Lord ousted the traitor in their midst with the dipped bread, but then, right before Judas fled, Jesus said, “What you are going to do, do quickly.” (v. 27) There’s no farewell, no pleading, no convincing, or anger. Jesus is resigned to the betrayal and simply wants it over as quickly as possible.
Psalms 41 gives us some clues as to why Jesus said this. When He gave Judas bread to identify the traitor, Jesus wanted his disciples to think of Psalms 41. The protagonist had also given bread to a friend who betrayed him. However, verse 10, is about how the Father will lift him up in victory over his foe and how wonderful everlasting fellowship with the Father will be.
Our Lord was masterful at maintaining the eternal perspective, we can see that on display here. Jesus is looking forward to the other side of the cross! He’s telling his foes, Judas and Satan, to hurry up. The moment was surely somber and heavy because of the price. But the grand victory of the resurrection and ascension provided the mountainous hope to offset the horrors of the cross before him.
All of Satan’s scheming only heightened Christ’s triumph.
So when life betrays us, we can intentionally lean into our security in Christ. We can fix our gaze on the eternal life to come. We can collect ourselves, look at whatever opposes us, and repeat our master’s words, “What you are going to do, do quickly.
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing
with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
Jonathan Duncan