I don’t think anyone wants to be THAT person. You know them too. The one that said they were going to do something or be somewhere and then the day comes and they are nowhere in sight or the task still undone. That kind of person leaves a mark on our lives because being unreliable damages trust. A spouse doubts the promises made and loses a sense of security. An employer’s reputation is damaged and business is impacted. Or a child interprets the lack of follow through as if their needs or desires don’t matter and grows up having relational trust issues.

Instead, we desire to be the reliable one. You know that person too, think of them now. I just did and smiled and noticed a sense of ease come over me. Why? Because there is safety and rest found in any relationship with a person who has this type of character. They are a person of integrity who is dependable to do what is right, no matter the cost or convenience.

Jesus is the only perfect example of someone of infallible character. A person whose moral and ethical principles are unchanging—the model for integrity. Everyone else falls somewhere on the spectrum and is a work in progress. It takes GRIT to become a person of integrity. A long commitment with unwavering perseverance in honesty, accountability, and dependability.

These actions shape (or reshape) the core of character and character is often revealed by the words we choose. Jesus points this out too saying, “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil” (Matthew 5:37). An evil character embellishes and their words can’t be taken at face value. But words from a person of integrity can be trusted. James, the brother of Jesus and follower post-resurrection, wrote that someone who can control their tongue is fully developed in character and can control their entire body (James 3:2). He saw that integrity to the very end when Jesus did what He said he was going to do and died innocent, rose in glory, and ascended to heaven.

Friends, what we say matters. What we do matters. Doing what you say you’re going to do matters because we represent Jesus. So let’s commit with grit to doing that well to bring Him the honor due to His name.

Jessica Klootwyk
Discipleship Director

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