Christmas Eve 2024: Name(s) Above All Names
Series: Hope in the Darkness
Text: Matthew 1:1-25
Speakers: Pastor Ryan Paulson
December 24, 2024: On Christmas Eve, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson completed our Advent series with one final look at our hope in the darkness through Jesus. The title of our message is "Name(s) Above All Names."
The Choice Is Yours
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 7:13-29
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
November 24, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia completed our fall series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "The Choice Is Yours." We hope you enjoyed this study!
Silencing The Critic Within
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 7:1-12
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
November 17, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "Silencing The Critic Within." We hope you've been enjoying our current study.
Salt and Light (Global Sunday 2024)
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Speakers: Shodankeh Johnson & Pastor Esteban Tapia
November 10, 2024: On Sunday, guest speaker Shodankeh Johnson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. This Sunday was also our annual Global Sunday weekend. The title of our sermon message was "Salt and Light."
Please note: The English content for this sermon message is no longer available. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Anxious Generation
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 6:25-34
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
November 3, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "Anxious Generation." We hope you're enjoying our current study.
No Actors Welcome
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 6:1, 5-18
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 27, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "No Actors Welcome." We hope you're enjoying our current study.
Bright Eyes
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 6:1-4; 19-24
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 20, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "Bright Eyes." We hope you're enjoying our current study.
The Element of Surprise
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 5:38-48
Speakers: Pastors Josh Rose & Esteban Tapia
October 13, 2024: On Sunday, Family Pastor Josh Rose and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "The Element of Surprise." We hope you're enjoying our current study.
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 5:33-37
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
October 6, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "True(ish)." We hope you're enjoying our current study.
Sanctified Sexuality
Series: The Curriculum
Text: Matthew 5:27-32
Speakers: Pastors Ryan Paulson & Esteban Tapia
September 29, 2024: On Sunday, Lead Pastor Ryan Paulson and Teaching Pastor Esteban Tapia continued our series on the Sermon on the Mount, The Curriculum. The title of our sermon message is "Sanctified Sexuality." We hope you're enjoying our current study.