For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. – Philippians 1:21-22a

I love Paul’s passion in this passage! It is both eternal and temporal. His eternal focus bleeds into the temporal and becomes “fruitful labor” for him. Paul’s confidence in where he is going after death compels him to live courageously today. He has no fear of death, and this compels him to live for Jesus as long as he has breath. He is an amazing example for us to follow!

I would go so far as to say that the Apostle Paul’s “fruitful labor” was laser-focused on the most important thing that any human could put their efforts toward … bringing the gospel of Jesus to those who had never heard it before. In Romans 15:20, Paul says, “It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known.”

Why is this the best use of our collective efforts? Well, one reason is that it’s the only thing we can’t do better one day in heaven. Think about it. Some say the most important thing that we can do is worship. Of course, worship is incredibly important and I hope we constantly grow in our worship, I also realize at the moment of death, we will experience the most incredible worship we have ever experienced. Some say fellowship is the purpose of the church. Well, it’s one of them, but the same is true when we stand before the throne of God, alongside every tribe and tongue, we will experience a type of fellowship that is greater than we could ever imagine. We could go on and on. However, there is one thing that we just can’t do in heaven, we won’t be able to introduce people to Jesus. It will be too late for that. For this reason, I think this is the most valuable use of our time and efforts. It is the most fruitful of all labors.

So, who is God calling you to invest “fruitful labor” in? Maybe you can reach out and offer prayer. Maybe you can invite them to church. Whatever it is, I pray that you will take the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus.

Many Blessings,

Josh Rose
Discipleship Pastor

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