I loved playing basketball growing up and it was great when the coach of the team was a friend’s dad or my dad. We had a couple of college-age coaches for a couple of years. It wasn’t anyone’s older brother, just a couple of guys who gave their time to help our team. Not only would they give their time, but they would also buy snacks and reward us with Slurpees after good practices. Not to take away anything from all the dads who spent hours coaching, but this reward meant a lot to the team because of their intentionality.
In a similar manner, Paul answered a question about the collection for the saints and gave instructions to the church in Corinth. He gave a call to the believers to give missionally, intentionally, and honestly. There were other believers in need, who had given spiritual blessing to this church and others (Rom. 15:25-27). Paul wanted the church in Corinth to think missionally about how they used the grace and blessings God gave them.
Paul wanted the church to be intentional as well (v. 2). “On the first day of every week …” Paul encouraged the church to be thoughtful in setting aside money so they could bless others. He wanted this to be intentional so it would grow the community closer to God and each others by putting the focus on others. Paul also gave wisdom to this young church to put responsible people in charge of it. He encouraged honesty and accountability in the collection, so the church would not lose its way.
When we give our time, talent, or treasure, it is because God has given to us. He then gives a simple call to be missional and intentional in our approach so we give as an act of worship. Let me encourage you to take some time this week to think about what God is calling you to practice in this area, make time to talk to God about it, and then do your best to obey him. Praying for you all, we are here if you need anything.
Pastor Jeremy