Nineteen years ago today the United States experienced the worst terror attack we have ever known when a group of men hijacked four planes and flew them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania (the goal was to hit the Capitol, but heroic passengers insured that did not happen). We must never forget not only the 2,911 people who died that day, but also the blessing the passengers and crew on Flight 93 were to all those who might have lost their lives had that plane struck Washington, D.C. as well as the blessing that all of the first responders were to those whose lives they were able to rescue and save (first responders who later ended up losing their lives due to complications from the dust they breathed in as they carried out their vocation). We pray for the families of those who lost their lives and thank Him for the blessings secured by those who risked it all.
While it’s not likely that we will ever be called on to “be a blessing” or to “love in deed and truth” in ways that those mentioned above did (and in NO WAY making light of the tremendous and costly sacrifices made), we have the opportunity and even spiritual calling to be a blessing to those God has put us around as we live out our vocation.
The question simply becomes, “How?” Let me propose a simple three step approach to being a blessing to others. Perhaps you’ve heard of it before? It’s these words practiced in this order: look, word, touch.
If you would like to be used by God to bless others, the first thing you can do is notice them. Look them in the eye. Make eye contact. Smile at them with your eyes. This may sound small, but it’s huge. So many people simply do not look others in the eye.
The second thing you can do is speak kindly to them. I have a friend named Lonnie who is very good at this. He is always ready with a compliment, a word of encouragement, or some inspiring comment. (Raise your hand if you don’t like to receive kind words!)
The final thing you can do, if appropriate, is to provide a biblically directed touch. A fist bump, a handshake, a hug, whatever is right given the nature of your relationship. I’ve heard stories during this Covid season of people who have gone months without so much as a hug or a handshake from another person. Given our need for touch, this must be so heartbreaking.
Looking people in the eye, speaking kindly, encouraging them, and making an acceptable sort of contact will go a long way in blessing them and letting them know that you care and that God cares.
May you go and be a blessing today!
Scott Smith
Pastor of Discipleship Ministries