In His Way With His Heart
North County Parkinson's Support Group
A place for fellowship and learning through informative talks and break-out groups for those with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners.
When / Where
Meets the first Monday of every month from 10am-Noon at San Rafael Church in the Parish Hall, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128. Contact leader Rick Ankrom via email (see contact button below), or call (760) 420-0121 for more info.
Tremble Clefs
A group to engage the Parkinson’s community in voice therapy and mutual social support through singing, performance and the power of making music together.
When / Where
Meets every Wednesday from 10am-Noon at San Rafael Church in Rancho Bernardo. See address listing above or contact leader Rick Ankrom via email (see contact button below), or call (760) 420-0121 for more info).